
Q2 2023 BusinessScope

Whether you’re looking for work, a raise, or a promotion, look to the stars to find out where your professional life is headed.

By Mama Odie


Patience, Ram – though we know that’s not your strong suit. Your best-laid plans may need to be tweaked or deferred for a couple of weeks, so now’s a good time to get serious about those morning meditations. You’re likely to encounter some roadblocks this quarter, but these short-term stalls could be blessings in disguise. You may be forced to pump the brakes or take an alternate route you hadn’t considered before, saving you a potential crash-and-burn disaster later. 


You’ll catch more flies with a purr than a roar. Although you may be tempted to “release the beast” this quarter (can’t anyone do anything right?!), a little emotional regulation will go a long, long way. Catch yourself before you rake anyone over the coals. Rather than assuming people should “just know” what you want, see what happens when you spell out your desires.


Have you been strung a little tight lately, Sag? It’s barely spring, but you’re already dreaming of slipping your feet into the sand, soaking up that summer sun, and listening to the waves crash against the shore. You can hear it, right? Oh – our bad: that’s just your office swamp cooler. Either way, a spontaneous “spring break” getaway might be all you need to feel relaxed, refreshed, and inspired again. 


Cleanup, cleanup, everybody, everywhere–that takes you back, right? You’re getting into the spirit of “spring cleaning” this quarter, but your urge to prioritize and organize extends beyond the old Post-It notes and paper cups on your desk. Start chunking your work, build a morning routine, or lock distracting apps – whatever helps you stay focused and on-task.


When it comes to sealing the deal on a lucrative project or heavy-hitting partnership, listen carefully to what’s not being said. Your sign has an excellent read on people, and if you ask the right questions, you’ll be in a good position to create a real win-win situation. Use your savvy senses to also ferret out new investment opportunities or ways you can earn more money this year. You’re extra strategic this quarter and might even be fearless in moving forward with a funder or contacting a high-status VIP.


Many results-driven Capricorns feel the pressure to be the GOAT – literally. While giving something your all isn’t inherently bad, your sign tends to set impossibly high standards, then pours every ounce of energy you have into meeting them. This quarter the stars encourage you to lean into your urge to go home and spend time with your family at a normal hour. Your relationships should be your primary focus this quarter, as a strong support system will only help you meet the goals you strive for.


Don’t forget to send those follow-up emails. When it comes to making connections this quarter, there’s no time to take a cavalier “let’s wait to see what happens” approach. If you act fast, you’ll have the chance to form some once-in-a-decade alliances. But if you drag your feet, the other person could mistake your intentions for the stereotypical Gemini bait-and-switch. Trust your instincts, and if all feels right, schedule that coffee chat as soon as possible.


Now here’s something you can (finally) take to the bank: If funds have been tight due to erratic work conditions or a big expense, you’ll be able to find a way forward. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. While the post-holiday spending slump might have gotten you down in Q1, a wake-up call to focus, prioritize and remember your values (and value!) will pick you back up again in Q2.


All hands on deck! You’re running a tight ship this quarter, and you need all the help you can get. It’ll be easy to get swept up in all you have to do this spring, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to do it alone. Some exciting new partnerships could form over the next few months, so be sure to schedule those one-on-one lunches or attend a networking event. Will your calendar be crowded? Yes. But will you regret signing up for that mentorship program? Absolutely not.


Some species of crabs have the ability to switch shells when they outgrow them, so make like a hermit crab and ditch what no longer serves you. Both Q2 and Q3 will be seasoned with make-or-break moments, which is why you can’t have anything holding you back now. Say goodbye to your fake friends, be wary of one-sided work agreements, and sort through the personal baggage that’s been weighing you down – whatever helps you put negativity in the past so you can focus on the road ahead.


Got your wires crossed? You are known for making bold moves, but you might want to think twice about sending that sensitive email this quarter. Maybe it’s the pollen, or maybe it’s the cosmos, but you’ve got a bad case of brain fog this quarter, and things are almost bound to get lost in translation. If you’re initiating an important conversation, take extra precautions with your words – or better yet, hold off until the communication gods favor you once again. There’s a strong likelihood of being misunderstood or experiencing unnecessary conflict.


Who says spending too much time on Pinterest is a bad thing? You don’t need to be planning a wedding or renovating your house to build an epic mood board. Your dreamy sign is in full manifestation mode this quarter, so be sure to write down any goals you have for the next few months. Chances are, opportunities will present themselves to bring your vision to life.

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